no matter how much we think things change…


Send me your poems of protest.
Write something that matters and send it to




3 Responses to “no matter how much we think things change…”

  1. Donal Mahoney Says:

    Nice to see you back.

    At least I hope you’re back, even if its only with the Truck and not the Coupe and Typer as well.

    Good luck

  2. Ray Foreman Says:

    Glad to read you back. I think back to Sam Hamill’s Poets Against The War…Some, not all, poets were saying things that mattered,
    actually throwing rocks. Maybe that’s all we can do…at least right now at the reality that looks us in the eyes and either gives us a stomach ache or a touch of small balls to throw stones in, probably, the only way we can and maybe, only maybe, infect some. Geezus, if all poets can write about are dandeloins and puppy dogs, then we’re…. Ray

  3. hope this means you’ll be coming back. i have missed this site greatly. best, winnie

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